About Us

Ernest Kimme Charter Academy is a tuition free, VUSD dependent charter school for students grades 10-12. We are open to students in the VUSD and surrounding districts.  We do have the option to accept or reject applicants based on SARB or expulsion status. Parent participation is strictly voluntary and not required, per Education Code section 47605 subdivision (n).  Any violation of the Master Agreement may be grounds for non-voluntary disenrollment. Kimme Charter Academy has earned full WASC Accreditation and features Big Picture Learning for career readiness. 

Kimme WRAP students (grades 10-12) attend classes 5 days a week and are assigned to 8 classes per week. These courses are designed for credit recovery. In addition to their academic course schedule, students meet with an advisor 4 days a week to focus on student graduation plan, soft skills development for the work force, and career exploration. All students will be enrolled in an online credit recovery class that they will work on during Advisory and independently. All classroom teachers are available for after school office hours four days a week.  Graduation requirements are the same at Kimme Charter as at traditional sites.

Resident School Activities and Sports are reserved for students enrolled in their resident schools. Kimme students may not participate in resident school activities or sports.

Support services are available for all students at Kimme Charter.  A full time school counselor, a part-time Youth Service Officer, a part-time mental health clinician, Care Solace, one full-time as well as a part-time RSP teacher are on staff.  Special Education students will require a change of placement IEP to determine their best educational placement. We also have a variety of virtual core course intervention and support sessions available for all students.

AERIES Parent Portal is used for all students in the Vacaville Unified School District.    The parent portal offers a secure and convenient way to access and update your child’s information online. Kimme Charter also utilizes, Google Classroom. It is highly recommended that each family have an email address for communication with the school.

Graduating Seniors will earn a Kimme Charter diploma and attend a Kimme Charter ceremony.  Like traditional schools, we enroll students with long term goals for academic success. We are not a short-term independent study program. Students who enroll at Kimme Charter are expected to stay for at least a semester.


Kimme WRAP Contact Information:

188 Bella Vista Road, Vacaville 95687

Ami Blackstone, Principal [email protected]

Allison Loera, Counselor [email protected]

Sandy Santos, Secretary [email protected] 

Debbie Lukehart, Secretary/ Registrar [email protected]

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